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F.B.I. Cuts Russian Spy Program

The F.B.I. cut ties to at least a handful of informants and issued warnings about dozens of others after an internal review prompted by concerns that they were linked to Russian disinformation, current and former U.S. officials said.

The review was carried out in 2020 and 2021 by a small group within the bureau’s counterintelligence division, with the findings then passed along to field offices, which handle informants.

It led to the severing of sources — some of whom had offered information about Russia-aligned oligarchs, political leaders and other influential figures — at…  Read more

 @RightistGarlicRepublicanfrom Alabama commented…2wks2W

When are they going to shed informants linked to the Times’ false “Russian conspiracy” investigation of Trump? A disinformation operation if I ever saw one. Two years of investigations, and not a single indictment of a campaign official for conspiracy.

 @LeftistYakDemocrat from Ohio disagreed…2wks2W

You aren’t talking about the Mueller investigation, are you? That one resulted in eight felony convictions against Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, who was later pardoned by Trump and is now planning to work for his campaign again.

Mueller’s team also revealed efforts by Russia’s Internet Research Agency to influence Americans’ votes by flooding social media with pro-Trump disinformation. Multiple indictments of Russians outstanding there.

Then, of course, there was Trump Tower Moscow, which Donald lied about while he was campaigning in 2016. Its existence was corroborated through email records and testimony obtained by, you guessed it, Mueller.

 @L1b3rtyCaviarPatriot from Ohio commented…2wks2W

This is why Donald Trump never bothered to read most of his classified briefings or take their advice. Everyone knows that the Russians and liberal media read our intelligence to predict what the president will do. Putin recently said it himself, endorsing Biden in the election because he is more predictable.

People learned more about what Trump would do by reading his tweets. It was necessary for Trump to have the FBI purge double agents from the government in preparation for Biden's presidency.

 @ChicD1rectSocialist from Illinois commented…2wks2W

This is why Donald Trump never bothered to read most of his classified briefings or take their advice. Everyone knows that the Russians and liberal media read our intelligence to predict what the president will do. Putin recently said it himself, endorsing Biden in the election because he is more predictable.

People learned more about what Trump would do by reading his tweets. It was necessary for Trump to have the FBI purge double agents from the government in preparation for Biden's presidency.

 @JumpyLardDemocrat from Massachusetts commented…2wks2W

No doubt these were part of the sizable group of insiders at FBI who had a new investigation of Hillary every week in 2016. And comey played right along.


Estonia Calls For Breaking Up Russia

The conflict between Moscow and Kiev should end with the defeat and breakup of the Russian Federation, Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has said.

Kallas offered the suggestion on Saturday during a debate which was part of the 17th Lennart Meri Conference in the country’s capital, Tallinn, dedicated to supporting Ukraine.

"Russia’s defeat is not a bad thing because then you know there could really be a change in society,” the prime minister argued.

She argued that the Russian Federation is comprised of “many different nations” and suggested that they…  Read more

 @OptimisticWelfareNo Labels from New Jersey commented…2wks2W

I love how clearly she resonates, instead of using the usual vague cliche-filled language I’m used to hear from politicians.

 @RightWingPieSocialist from Indiana commented…2wks2W

The USSR maintained a presence in Cuba after the missile crisis and Cuba remained part of the Eastern Bloc. By that measure, Ukraine in NATO but with no nuclear weapons stationed there would be ok.

 @DreadfulFreeTrade from Illinois disagreed…2wks2W

Yes. But the presence was radar stations, etc. There has been loose talk already of possible future anti-missile systems in Ukraine. These launchers could also be used for first-strike weapons. Given the short distances involved, this would translate into current decisions on responding to missile warnings (sometimes inaccurate) from 30 minutes, to 5.

 @OilAveryForward from Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

Kallas is an embarrassing character, I think she and Baerbock are the most unpresentable politicians in the EU group

 @TradeTariffMusselDemocratfrom Tennessee commented…2wks2W

Russia has assassinated people on British soil using chemical weapons. Russia has disrupted telecoms systems and hacked European companies. They fire missiles against civilian targets in Ukraine. Their soldiers operate rape war crimes which have been validated. Russia is already at war with the West. How is the west responsible for anything other than seeking to prevent further acts of aggression? Russia and has already crossed every line. Honestly, Ukraine need the freedom to return fire in kind. Into Russian territory.


Russia Launches Tactical Nuclear Drills

Troops of Russia’s Southern Military District launched the first stage of recently announced tactical nuclear drills on Tuesday, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has confirmed.

It will involve delivery of nuclear weapons to troops from storage sites, arming tactical nuclear missiles, and preparation of missile launches, Moscow announced in a statement on Telegram.

The troops will be using the Iskander-M systems, which can fire 9M723-1 ballistic missiles or 9M728 cruise missiles, both of which can carry tactical nuclear warheads with yields between five and 50 kilotons.

The Southern Military…  Read more

 @UnforgettableCicadaForward from California commented…2wks2W

What’s the difference between a tactical nuclear weapon and a nuclear weapon? Seems the same.

 @RadicalBitternRepublican from North Carolina commented…2wks2W

Tactical ones are smaller, made for use on the battlefield.

Strategical ones are meant to cause mass destruction to cities.

 @PloverTimWorking Familyfrom Texas commented…2wks2W

3rd world war here we come. I better find myself around good looking rugged men in the middle of Montana. Oh wait I’m in Canada.

It’s tough being smart! Who didn’t see this coming.

 @WelfareVenisonAmerican Solidarity from New Mexico commented…2wks2W

I get the feeling Putin is going to turn Western Ukraine into a nuclear buffer zone where NATO troops used to be. Thing is Russian kit works in a EMP / Rad zone. Built that way, deliberately. Western Vunderwaffens? Not so much.

 @BlissfulTermiteCA Common Sense from New York commented…2wks2W

Oh well, another day in Ukraine war, that’s all.

Wait when NATO will start moving their arsenals and launch drills of their own, then l’ll start to panic…until then, typical day in my life.


Russia Takes Over Niger As U.S. Exits

Russian military personnel have entered an air base in Niger that is hosting U.S. troops, a senior U.S. defense official told Reuters, a move that follows a decision by Niger's junta to expel U.S. forces.

The military officers ruling the West African nation have told the U.S. to withdraw its nearly 1,000 military personnel from the country, which until a coup last year had been a key partner for Washington's fight against insurgents who have killed thousands of people and displaced millions more.

A senior U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Russian forces…  Read more


How would you feel about your country's military base being taken over by a foreign power?

 @9MN9NX4Democrat from Georgia answered…2wks2W

That would not be good for a foreign government to take over a military base they would have access to so much, whether its weapons or confidential information that could put the country in jeopardy.

 @9MN92PC  from New York answered…2wks2W

 @9MMWDYL from California answered…2wks2W

I would take measures to not allow such a thing to happen. If my country was about to lose the base then the base should be destroyed so as not to give any foreign country a base.

 @9MMYQNH from California answered…2wks2W

 @LegislativeRonLibertarian from Massachusetts commented…2wks2W

The US threatened Niger by telling its leaders "to refrain from engaging with Iran and Russia in ways objectionable to Washington if Niger wanted to continue its security relationship with the United States".

The result? US troops expelled, Niger decided to end the "security relationship" on its own initiative

 @R3f0rmCharlotteAmerican Solidarity from Tennessee agreed…2wks2W

The US continues to behave like the mafia: Selling security and threatening those who are not interested. It does this everywhere, not only in Africa, but also in Europe. But times have changed, everyone (excepts EU's current leaders) can see that the US is declining rapidly.

 @LegislativeRonLibertarian from Massachusetts agreed…2wks2W

The more it fails, the more our 'leaders' repeat their arrogant demands. What worked before, is no longer working, and they don't know how to deal with it other than pretend nothing has changed.

The US stopped using real diplomacy decades ago, now none of them know how to do it.


What impacts do you think the presence of a different country's military forces might have on the local population of Niger?

 @9MN9NX4Democrat from Georgia answered…2wks2W

I think that is a complete disaster. The economy and security would suffer.

 @9MMWDYL from California answered…2wks2W

I think having another countries military will show anger and fear in Niger which could cause many deaths at worst.

 @BipartisanBustardRepublican from Illinois commented…2wks2W

Totally embarrassing lack of statesmanship and diplomacy. We have lost so much of the prestige and influence we once had around the world.

 @ChicCoyotefrom Kansas submitted…2wks2W

France Backs ICC Arrest Warrants for Israel and Hamas Leaders

France, Belgium and Slovenia released statements supporting the world’s top war crimes court and its chief prosecutor’s request for arrest warrants for leaders of Israel and Hamas, after Israel and the United States both harshly condemned the effort.

The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and three Hamas leaders — Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif and Ismail Haniyeh — of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip and Israel. While Netanyahu and Gallant do not face imminent arrest, the announcement Monday was a symbolic blow that deepened Israel’s isolation over the war in Gaza.

 @ZealfulR3publican_885Republican from Wisconsin commented…2wks2W

Macron is antisemitic. He will feel tremendous regret for supporting the ICC because it is part of the Hamas movement.


How does the support of France, Belgium, and Slovenia for the ICC's decision impact your view on global solidarity or political alliances?

 @9MMWDYL from California answered…2wks2W

I think the agreement of what is considered a war crime and the measures being taken by those countries shows solidarity and strength against the toleration of the negative impacts of war..

 @9MMZ6DDProgressive from Washington answered…2wks2W

Happy to see France support what is right! Wish the US would do the same.

 @HareEmmaRepublicanfrom Maine commented…2wks2W

Wildly unexpected development. Maybe they lost the leverage on the blackmail of his wife being a man or something

 @BipartisanDeerGreenfrom New Jersey commented…2wks2W

Expected if you've been following news. Macron showed dissatisfaction with indiscriminate killing months ago. He was the first to call it out in the European bloc.

 @HareEmmaRepublicanfrom Maine disagreed…2wks2W

France joining Israel to support the genocide in January was dissatisfaction? Or sending a chopper and weapons to Israel saying they're committed to Israel's security? Not sure in what world this was expected

 @BipartisanDeerGreenfrom New Jersey disagreed…2wks2W

Don't conflate the timelines and contexts of each event. Macron supplied the weapons for what he called defense. Then condemned the reckless use of said weapons.

 @LovesickMuesliWorking Family from Virginia commented…2wks2W

This is an odd change of heart from France.

They're usually on the wrong side of history.

 @DecimalPolentaPatriotfrom Kansas commented…2wks2W

No they aren't. France is the only EU country that somewhat has an independent foreign policy and has not been a US lapdog like UK and Germany. France has repeatedly asked for a ceasefire and condemned Israeli aggression since the start of the conflict.


U.S. Sanctions Played A Role In Death Of Iranian President

Much of Iran’s air fleet is in dire need of spare parts that Tehran has been unable to buy due to US and other western sanctions.

“Iran’s air fleet is a metaphor for the regime as a whole,” said Ali Ansari, founder of the Institute of Iranian Studies at the University of St Andrews. “It’s old, should not be able to keep flying, and yet does — until it doesn’t.”

Tehran has yet to give an official explanation for the crash.

The likely culprit is an aging fleet, battered by decades of wear and tear. Blocked for years by western sanctions on Ira…  Read more

 @RavenBradyLibertarian from New York commented…2wks2W

And yet Iran seems to have enough parts for its drones!

 @RightAndyRepublican from Kentucky disagreed…2wks2W

That’s like saying an F1 team can use parts from go karts.

 @RavenBradyLibertarian from New York disagreed…2wks2W

If they can make parts for drones - and space rockets - can they not make parts for planes and helicopters?

 @RightAndyRepublican from Kentucky disagreed…2wks2W

Probably depends if they made it originally. They made their drones and rockets end to end from scratch. There will be very specific tolerances - precision engineering.

You get the exact metal composition and engineering slightly off in a part for an F16 it’s going to crash. It’s not a lawnmower.

 @D1rectLeahVeteran from Indiana commented…2wks2W

Yea thats not true lol. We have given them billions of dollars, and they chose to market death to Jews with that money (missiles and drones), instead of taking care of their people and apparently also getting new helicopters.