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10 Replies


Should students face expulsion for participating in protests that disrupt campus activities, even if it's for a cause they deeply believe in?

 @9LZKW3S from Iowa commented…1mo1MO

Yes. Their voices can be heard without violence or disrupting the rights of others.

 @NiftyCockatooLibertarian from Illinois commented…1mo1MO

Columbia University's threat of expulsion over protests shows a disturbing disregard for free speech and individual rights, which are fundamental to any free society.

 @D3m0cr4cyCodLibertarian Socialism from South Carolina commented…1mo1MO

It's disappointing to see Columbia University choose expulsion threats over engaging in meaningful dialogue with the student protesters. These students are using their voices to shine a light on international injustices, demonstrating the critical thinking and social responsibility that higher education should foster, not punish. The administration's heavy-handed approach not only stifles free speech but also ignores the opportunity to turn this into a teachable moment about civic engagement and peaceful protest. Instead of resorting to punitive measures, Columbia should recognize the value of this activism and work with students to address their concerns constructively.

 @ConstitutionWillowAnarchismfrom New York commented…1mo1MO

The heavy-handed tactics Columbia University is employing against student protesters, threatening them with expulsion, only highlight the oppressive structures within educational institutions that prioritize order over genuine discourse and activism. It's essential to stand in solidarity with those brave enough to challenge these injustices, pushing back against the suppression of voices fighting for a better world.


Live Updates: Columbia Says Students Occupying Campus Building Could Face Expulsion…

Columbia announced that it would restrict access to the Morningside Heights campus to students who live in one of seven dorms on campus and employees who provide essential services. It is closing all entry points to the campus indefinitely, except the gate at 116th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.


Columbia University threatens to expel protesters occupying building…

University President Nemat Minouche Shafik said in a statement that days of negotiations between student organizers and academic leaders had failed to persuade demonstrators to remove the dozens of tents set up to express opposition to Israel's war in Gaza.


Columbia University threatens to expel student protesters who occupied an administration building…

Columbia University threatens to expel student protesters who occupied an administration building. United Methodist delegates have begun making historic policy changes on sexuality, voting without debate to reverse a series of anti-LGBTQ polices


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