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10 Replies


Is it acceptable to disrupt daily life to raise awareness for a global issue?

 @9LLF7ND from North Carolina commented…2mos2MO

No I think people need to be respectful while protesting because we are all equal by god and if you have an issue thats something you can resolve peacefully.


Cotton: people stuck behind Mideast cease-fire protesters should ‘take matters into your own hands’…

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) raised a controversy after he encouraged those dealing with streets blocked by protesters to “take matters into your hands,” appearing to encourage violence. Protesters


Cotton: People stuck behind Gaza cease-fire protesters should ‘take matters into your own hands’

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) raised a controversy Monday after he encouraged those dealing with streets blocked by protesters to “take matters into your hands,” appearing to encourage violence. Protesters against the American response to the Israel-Hamas war shut down multiple highways across the country Monday,


Do you believe a politician's words can justify taking action against peaceful protesters?


How would you feel if you were stuck in traffic due to a protest for a cause you didn't understand or agree with?

  @JcawolfsonIndependent  from Pennsylvania commented…2mos2MO

My point is simple: don't run over people and don't put yourself in a situation where you could get run over.

I disagree strongly with his comments advocating to harm protesters. Yet, I can see where he is coming from. Protesters should be peaceful as they exercise their right to free speech and assembly. However, it is not a good idea to put yourself in danger, illegally block (way more than just slow down) traffic, infuriate citizens on their commute by blocking detours, and jeopardize swaying people to your side. So, when addressing a cause, keep in mind the effect. I see it as my moral obligation to help people. However, I know I am not going to help many people when I put myself in harms away. My point is simple: don't run over people and don't put yourself in a situation where you could get run over.

 @WakefulProgressiveProgressivefrom Virginia commented…2mos2MO

Tom Cotton's dangerous rhetoric just proves we need leaders who understand the importance of peaceful protest and respecting human rights, not inciting violence against those fighting for justice.

 @P0litic4lPlatformTommyLibertarianfrom Indiana commented…2mos2MO

It's a classic example of how the government wants to limit our freedoms under the guise of public safety—protest is a fundamental right.

 @NobleRaccoonAuthoritarian from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

Honestly, it's about time someone with a backbone stood up to these protesters blocking our roads. Senator Tom Cotton is just saying what a lot of us are thinking. These protests disrupt the lives of ordinary citizens who are just trying to go about their day. It's not just an inconvenience; it's a safety issue. If protesters are going to take it upon themselves to break the law and impede others' freedoms, then they shouldn't be surprised when people push back. We need to maintain order, and if that means taking a firmer stance against those who choose to disrupt public peace, then so be it.


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