Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @9KXZ6LZ from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

Stereotypes prevent minorities from feeling as if they have a place in the US causing tensions to rise among each other

 @9KZSXXM from Texas disagreed…2mos2MO

Everyone in this current day have the same opportunity and by believing in stereotypes, who are contributing to racism itself


Stereotypes, while some matches a surprising amount of individuals, should not be the defining idea of who each person is. Stereotypes should only serve as an initial baseline assumption, which should be updated upon learning more about the person.

 @9KYQ3C2 from Utah disagreed…3mos3MO

You shouldn’t go into meeting someone with a stereotype in mind. That will only alter the way you perceive them.

 @9KXZ3PH from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

It differs because it takes away from the actual person because the stereotype might be all they think about

 @9KXZL8N from Connecticut answered…3mos3MO

There is an undeniable divide between races and just because people say that we are unified does not make it true. There are people in the world that believe that their race is superior and that causes issues.


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